Threads Is Hiding Innocuous Content And Censoring Users. Go Zuck yourself, Meta.

Today, without any kind of explanation or warning, I found that my account over at Threads had been blocked from posting new content, or responding to any other posts on the site, until October 3.

Why? Who the Zuck knows.

It started when I followed an Instagram link to a certain video. The video was responding to MAGA threats to start shooting liberals. I made a comment (on Instagram) that MAGA was a terrorist movement. WHICH IT DEFINITELY FUCKING IS. That’s a subject for another day.

My IG account was immediately suspended until I could prove I was human, which was easy enough. But hopping back onto Threads, I was unable to respond to any posts there, nor create any of my own. I’m in Threads jail until October 3.

My suspension was given with no warning, no recourse, no explanation, no nothing.

I’m not the only one facing capricious removal of content or suspension of accounts on Threads. Users are seeing posts deleted, accounts wiped away, and generally being shoved aside or buried in an algorithm that is hell-bent on burying the truth.

Last week Threads deemed a comment of mine from the Vietnam era that “we had to burn the village in order to save it” was somehow promoting violence. Which of course was bullshit, but good luck getting the brain-dead idiots working for Meta to understand that. Here are some more examples.

Here’s Threads taking down my post linking to the “Shady Vance” dossier in PDF form because it was flagged as “malware”.

Here’s Threads removing a post that cited a Joseph Goebbels quote.

Here’s Threads removing a post saying we have to vote in huge numbers in November.

Here’s Threads removing a post with a generic expression of just having had enough of human stupidity.

Here’s Threads hiding a post for the goddamned dumbest reason you could imagine.

Threads started out as a nice, easy alternative to the toxic swamp that Twitter had become. It has since been overtaken by the same domineering, fascist elements that look to suppress dissent any way they can. It allows racist and misogynist content to remain on the platform, while capriciously removing speech it perceives as a “threat” and suspending users for reasons that are unclear.

Go Zuck yourself, Mark. And take your stinking social media empire with you.